-Layout was setup by Taryn along with the design, fonts, hyperlinks, and background, except Erika added the fish gadget.
-"Homepage" Taryn set up the different section of pages and wrote the thesis and intro
-"Works Cited Page" all was done by Erika, including citing the work.
-"Photos" page was combined effort: Erika did the videos and captions & Taryn did the photos and captions
-"History" page written by Taryn who also posted the pictures and put captions.
-"Writers of the Blog" page Taryn wrote and posted the pictures and captions.
-"Evidence" page was written by Erika along with the links and 4-6 sentences explaining how it supports the thesis.
-"Who Done It?" page was written by Taryn.
-"Are the Japanese Being Hypocritial?" page was written by Taryn, pictures and captions also posted by Taryn.